Proofing cabinets / Proofing Room by East gate Factory

Proofing is the final step in making dough before baking when you allow the dough to rise via the fermentation of yeast.

A proofer is a piece of equipment designed to provide specific temperature and relative humidity conditions to boost fermentation.

Since dough rises best in warm and humid environments, a commercial proofer cabinet will allow you to set the perfect temperature and humidity levels to get consistent, repeatable product results.

East gate factory s industrial, fully stainless steel proofer is used to ferment dough, after mixing and before baking the products. It adds more shine, denseness, and softness to the bakery products.

Steam from the steam generator flows evenly throughout the proofing chamber. At the same time, the circulating air picks up the residual moisture and produces shiny and soft products. Proofing cabinets ensure your dough rises properly.

If you are looking for the proofing cabinets, contact us. Get in touch with us at +971 2 550 1242 or +971 2 550 0719. Call us to know more

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